We had SO much fun for Zane's first birthday. Here are way too many pictures to illustrate it.
We got up and he had his oatmeal with yogurt and jelly toast like the previous post showed. Then he had some of his morning playtime and a bath.

Playing with the truck that Borks bought for him. He really likes it!

Play with the ball popper. Whoever made these made them backward I think. Zane wants to put the balls in the top, but that is where they pop out....hmmmm.....

We ate lunch at Olive Garden. Zane enjoyed playing with the silverware. He also enjoyed a little bit of garlic bread and some potatoes out of the soup. After our outing, he also was able to share a small bit of Daddy's vanilla Frosty. YUM!

After lunch we went to the mall to Build A Bear. We gave Zane a choice between a zebra and this dog. He chose the dog (more than once).

Here he is picking out a heart for his dog. The machine that filled the dog actually scared him. It was quite humorous.

Zane and Grandma showing off Scruffy. Yes, we gave him such an original name.

Mommy, Daddy, Zane, and Scruffy outside of Build A Bear....Well, in our case, Build A Dog!

Zane got to ride the carousel again for his birthday. He has ridden it about 5 times since it is free until age 1. When we were there last week, we mentioned that we would be back for his birthday. The ride conductor that day was so nice she gave us 6 tokens to use. When we got there for his birthday, we tried to pay, but they let us ride for free again. Daddy, Grandma, and Mommy all took a turn. :)

Judging by the movement of his arm, do you think he is enjoying himself?

See this sad little face? This is the face of sad boy because the ride had stopped. He cries every time he has to get off of the ride, or inbetween rides stopping and starting. The lady running the carousel that day was so nice as well. She would make a comment every time we went around about how cute he was, etc. It was more fun!

After the carousel ride, Zane was ready to go home and take a nap!

After supper, we had one final bit of fun before bedtime. Zane always enjoys his swing. This time he got to enjoy it with Scruffy too.
What a fun day! What a fun boy! We are blessed indeed.
Looks like you guys had a wonderful day! Happy birthday Zane!!! He is getting so big and so cute! Can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks!
What a fun day...have a good party this weekend Zane!
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