Yesterday, we were blessed with the oppurtunity to throw our first birthday party for our first child. I never knew how much fun birthdays were until I was able to celebrate my own child's birthday. We had absolutely gorgeous weather! Last year, it was hot-hot-hot the week after I had Zane, and most days were ozone action days. The weather was indeed a blessing, as was all of the family that was able to share in our joy with us! In total, there were about 46 of us celebrating. Though that may seem like enough people, we did still miss those who couldn't make it. :)
I decided to make Zane's cake because it was so much cheaper. I made cupcakes as well.
This was Zane's little cake.

These are Z cut out cookies I made. I must say they were delicious! This is a tradition I am hoping to start with Zane and any other future children we have. :)
It was a little daunting for me to think about all those people at our house. I worried that there wouldn't be enough to do or that we would run out of food. However, the kids stayed buzy with croquet (Joe showed some of them how to play, and they enoyed it.), horseshoes, hillbilly golf, beanbag toss, wagon rides, cars, and a scooter. We also had plenty of food and then some!

The boys show off their tossing skills.

Some of the girls hanging out with Zane. After all, he was the star of the party!

What is usually a big family basketball game, turned into croquet. We do not have a hoop at our house, but the kids really enjoyed the game! I think they liked the part where you get to go back and slam everyone else the best!
After enjoying some play time and snacks, Zane opened his presents. He really received a nice variety of gifts. He had books, clothes, diapers, a mower, sprinkler mat, wobbly penguin, silverware and dishes, balls, a Tadoodle activity center, and drum.

Zane had some help from his cousin, Allie.
Looking at a book from Great Grandma.

This gift was the most unique gift he received, and he loved it. My cousin Eric saw it at a garage sale and just had to get it for Zane. (I think it is really paybacks from my Uncle Denny and Aunt Vel when we bought Eric a marching band set!) Zane really enjoyed banging on it...especially once we removed the cover. :)

After opening presents, We all sang to Zane so that he could enjoy his own cake. It was funny; the wind blew out the candle as soon as we were done singing. :)

I think he decided he liked it! He didn't really make a mess or play in it. He just wanted to eat it. He is a kid after his Mommy's own heart!

My son is obsessed with sticks, so it is fitting that the last picture I took included them. I mean, really, what is a birthday without some birthday sticks! Ha ha!
What a wonderful day!!
looks like you had a great time...wow, a year already...we'll soon be saying that about Anna, heck she's already 2 months!
Glad the weather was as nice as it was so that you could enjoy it outside! Especially with that many people!!
Dude's 2 now!! Wow, I bet he can already palm a basketball too!! LOL! OK Joe, when you comin over and playing some Cornhole (beanbag toss)? Hope all is well! Cheryl says Hi (she was the one that found your site) Peace, Davi McG
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